Eastminster Presbyterian


Hearts, Hands, Heads for Christ in Service and Celebration

The Casavant Organ

The pipe organ at Eastminster Presbyterian Church was built by the pre-eminent organ building firm of Casavant Frères, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. The Casavant firm was founded in 1879 and has installed almost 4,000 instruments worldwide. Their instruments display superior craftsmanship and tonal beauty, attributes which have earned the firm a respected place in contemporary organ building. Op. 2970 (purchased in 1967 for $35,000) was formally dedicated on January 8, 1968, in a service and concert featuring Dr. Austin

Lovelace. Its tonal design shows the influence of the Organ Reform movement of the mid-twentieth century, emphasizing clear and colorful sounds based on classic North German historic models. The organ has two manual keyboards of 56 notes each and a pedal keyboard of 32 notes. The organ contains exactly 1,300 pipes.

The Organ In Worship

The organ’s location in the rear balcony of the Eastminster sanctuary is ideal for its most important function in worship: leading congregational singing. It also contributes to worship in several other ways:

• Accompanying choral anthems

• Accompanying vocal and instrumental soloists

• Presenting solo organ music

In addition to its vital role in Eastminster’s worship life, the organ is a vehicle for community outreach

through concerts and recitals. It is also used for teaching, in order to prepare

the next generation of organists.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Specification of the Organ

Casavant Frères, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada

#2960, 1967


Prinzipal 8

Rohrflöte 8

Oktav 4

Waldflöte 2

Mixtur IV 1⅓

Trompete 8


Subbass 16

Spitzprinzipal 8

Choralbass 4

Fagott 16

Schalmei 4


Viole 8

Voix coelestis (TC) 8

Gedackt 8

Koppelflöte 4

Prinzipal 2

Quinte 1⅓

Sesquialtera (TC) 2⅔ Scharf III ⅔ Krummhorn 8


G/P, S/P, S/G, Crescendo, Tutti

Compass 56/32, electropneumatic action Chimes (25 notes) playable from Great, added 1988