Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Hearts, Hands, Heads for Christ in Service and Celebration





"Oh who am I, that for my sake, my Lord should take frail flesh and die." -- Samuel Crossman, 1664



This Maundy Thursday we invite you to enter into reflection of our Lord's sacrifice and death through Buxtehude's Membra Jesu Nostri.

While listening to this large work for chorus, strings, and organ, we will be able to immerse ourselves in the poetry and artwork of the time.

























  • Vacation Bible School -  each summer
  • Fall Kick-off for Sunday School - 1st Sunday in September
  • Halloween Carnival - Sunday before Halloween
  • Christmas Eve Candle Light Service - Christmas Eve
  • Children &Youth Bible Memory Verse Contest - during Lent
  • Maundy Thursday Service - Thursday Evening before Easter
  • The Great Egg Caper - Palm Sunday
  • Prayer Vigil - Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
  • Easter Sunrise Service - Easter Sunday